Exam Overview

This unit prepares you for a career in this international industry. It 'sets the scene' by introducing the concept of risk and how it is managed, as well as the different categories of risk. It also explains how insurance acts as a risk transfer mechanism and introduces the main classes of insurance.

Target Audience

Not Available

Job Families
Not Available
Exam Profiles
Award in General Insurance - English
Exam Language


Degree of Success

70 % Degree

Exam Duration

120 Minutes

Exam Owner


Award in General Insurance - Arabic
Exam Language


Degree of Success

70 % Degree

Exam Duration

120 Minutes

Exam Owner


Eductional Tutorial
Competencies and its Weights

1. Understand the nature and main features of risk and insurance: 20 questions

2. Know the structure and main features of the insurance market: 22 questions

3. Understand the main legal principles governing insurance contracts: 42 questions

4. Understand the main regulatory and legal principles applicable to the transaction of insurance business: 14 questions

5. Know key aspects of ethics, corporate governance and internal controls: 2 questions

Exam Requirements

Not Available

Additional Requisites

You may be eligible to claim exemptions for relevant exams and qualifications obtained through other professional bodies or universities. Subject to the published qualification completion requirements these can be used to help you achieve CII qualifications more quickly.

For details on getting your documentation certified as a true copy of the original, please visit the guidance page of the Chartered Insurance Institute.

 For further information and to ensure you fully understand how your credits may be added up please contact our customer service team – customer.serv@cii.co.uk, +44 (0)208 989 8464.

Prerequisite Programs

Not Available

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