
To be the leading Academy in developing human capabilities in the Financial Sector.


To drive the development of human capabilities by offering training programs, certifications & innovative solutions tailored to the changing needs of the Financial Sector​.



  • Achieving outstanding levels of performance.
  • Adding value to stakeholders at a continuous pace by understanding requirements, anticipating and meeting needs, and exceeding expectations.
  • Commitment to developing an environment that promotes innovation and creativity and the development and activation of new services that provide innovative solutions for training.


  • Focusing on trainees and ensuring that their professional and training needs are met.
  • To deal with all concerned parties with respect, such as trainees, trainers, partners, employees and clients.


  • Promotion of constructive dialogue with stakeholders in the Financial Academy’s domain.
  • Building effective strategic partnerships that serve Our Strategic priorities.


  • Focus on achieving tangible results through monitoring and measuring the impact of the activities and services of the Financial Academy on the career growth of the sector workers.
  • Inculcating the principles and activities of continuous professional development in the financial sector in Saudi Arabia.

Our Strategic Priorities

  • Develop a diverse portfolio of training programs and certifications to align with sector trends and advance employee readiness for roles within the Financial Sector.
  • Strengthen relationships with stakeholders through fostering innovative solutions that support Financial Sector excellence and growth.
  • Elevate internal capabilities & tools to support the strategic direction, promote a culture of excellence, continuous learning, & ensure financial sustainability.

Target Audience

The Financial Academy seeks to provide knowledge, professional expertise, technical skills and develop the capabilities of its target audience, which include:
  • Financial sector practitioners
  • Relevant professionals
  • Students and graduates expected to engage in the financial sector

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