Framework Structure

Reflects the market structure and typical roles found in the market as the following:

  • Four sectors were classified, as identified by the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) and Capital Markets Authority (CMA): Banking, Capital Market, Insurance, and Financing.
  • Segments represent a breakdown of the main functional areas in each sector, based on the uniqueness of activities.
  • Job families are groups of roles classified according to shared knowledge and required skills.
  • Job roles represent the typical roles found in each job family.

Sector Definition

Corporate banking is the tailor-made financial services that financial institutions offer to corporations in the context of corporate financing and raise capital.

Job Families

Sector Definition

Credit Bureaus collect consumer and commercial credit information making it available to respective banks or individuals in form of credit reports enabling the assessment of creditworthiness of borrowers.

Job Families

Sector Definition

Payment system is any system used to settle financial transactions through the transfer of monetary value. This includes the institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, and technologies that make it exchange possible.

Job Families

Sector Definition

Private banking is banking, investment and other financial services provided by banks to high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) with high levels of income or sizable assets. The main purpose of these banks is to provide these individuals, with options that suit their needs of investing their financial assets(wealth management).

Job Families

Sector Definition

SME finance is the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises, and represents a major function of the general business finance market in which capital for different types of firms are supplied, acquired, and costed or priced.

Job Families

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