Registration of Organizations

TFA welcomes candidates from various organizations. In an effort to serve such organizations, The Academy seeks to raise their efficiency by providing appropriate training programs. 

Please follow the steps below to register candidates ​in TFA’s programs:

  1. Open a private account for each organization via TFA’s website.

  2. Follow instructions for filling out a Training Program Application Form on the website.

  3. Choose the desired training programs.

  4. Register names of candidates applying for training programs through the organization account to which the candidate belongs.

  5. Organizations can register candidates within a maximum period of three business days prior to the date of the program.

  6. ​If an organ​isation seeks a private training program with customized criteria, it will kindly contact TFA Customer Service via e-mail:​,​ or call0114662688

Registration of Individuals

TFA is concerned to raise efficiency of individuals in the financial sector through a wide range of professional training programs. Individuals wishing to join T​FA’s programs can follow steps below:

  1. Read account opening instructions on TFA website

  2. Open an account through FA’s website.

  3. Register in the desired training program and fill in the following fields: Name - Mobile Number - E-Mail - Title - Employer - National ID/Residence Permit (Iqama) Number

Discount Policies

TFA adopts an incentive financial policy for candidates in its training programs, by offering a set of discounts based on registration periods for such programs, as follows:

A: Financial Policy for Individuals
  • The  candidate receives a fee discount up to (15%) for any training program if registered (+31) days prior to program date.
  • The candidate receives a fee discount up to (10%) for any training program if registered (21-30) days prior to program date.
B: Financial Policy for Groups/ Organizations
  • A discount of (10%) is granted to groups if (4-9​) employees of the same entity are registered and attended a general training program.
  • ​A discount of (15%) is granted to groups if (10+) employees of the same entity are registered and attended a general training program.

Replacement of Candidates

Please follow the steps below when switching candidates in a training program:

  1. The entity may replace those enrolled in a training program wit​h a maximum period of two business days prior to program date.

  2. Candidate replacement could be done by logging into the personal/ organization account, and: A: Selecting the training program where candidates are to be switched. B: Deleting the name of candidate to be replaced. C: Adding the substitute candidate’s name.

  3. TFA collects a fee of SAR (100) for each switch in any program.

  4. The candidate cannot be replaced less than two business days prior to program start date.

Cancellation of Training Program

TFA has the right to cancel any training program in the following cases:

  • If TFA has to cancel any program before its date, or even during its time for reasons beyond its control.
  • In case the number required for holding a training program is not completed, then a decision to hold or cancel the program will be made two weeks before its date, as dictated by the interests of TFA and its clients.

In case of canceling any training program, TFA has the right to use any of the following solutions:

  • Refund of fees for those enrolled in the training program.
  • Offer suitable alternatives.

Cancellation of Registration

Please follow the instructions below in case any individual/ organization desires to cancel program registration:

  • If registration is canceled 17+ days before the program start date, the registered entity/ individual may not bear any cancellation fee.
  • If registration is canceled less than (17) days before the program start date, the registered entity/ individual shall bear (75%) of the program fees.


Regular attendance of training sessions is a key factor to realize the desired training outcome. Therefore, TFA, according to its Attendance Policy, checks the attendance status of each participant at each session. 

Attendance, lateness and absence are regulated as follows:

  • If the participant shows up during the first 10 minutes of the lecture, s/he will be marked late.
  • If the participant shows up after the first 10 minutes of the lecture, s/he will be marked absent for that lecture regardless of the reason.
  • Program completion certificates are awarded only if 80% of the total hours of the program is completed.
  • All programs start from 9:00 am to 3:15 pm.

Evaluation of Training

TFA pays great attention to the value realized to all participants through its training programs. Therefore, it constantly evaluates participants as follows:

A: Participant Evaluation by Trainer
  • The trainer conducts an evaluation for each participant at the end of each training program.
  • Organizations can access the evaluation of its participants through its online account on TFA’s website.
B: Program Evaluation by Participants
  • The participant can evaluate the training program when completed, to ensure sustainable quality of all training programs. This can be done through a special evaluation form that includes questions on content quality, trainer professionalism throughout the training program, and other evaluation aspects.


  • Certificates are uploaded to TFA’s website and the participant/ organization can print them through their online account on the website.
  • The participant ​can view and print certificate through this linkClick Hereby entering the last name and ID Number in English.

Training Hours

Classroom Training Hours

Timing Sessions No. of Minutes
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Session 1 90
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Snack Break 15
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Session 2 75
12:45 PM - 02:00 PM Prayer Time 
2:00 PM - 03:15 PM Session 3 75
3:15 PM - 03:25 PM Snack Break 10
3:25 PM - 04:30 PM Session 4 65
Total Training Hours 375

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Session 1 120
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM Prayer Time 
12:20 PM - 2:00 PM Session 2 100
Total Training Hours 240

Instructions for Participants

Opinion and Experience Sharing:

Sharing opinions and experiences is a key factor for successful training. TFA team encourages participants to put forward and discuss ideas on the program with trainers. This is because sharing knowledge and experiences forms an essential part of the educational structure. 

Time Commitment:

For a perfect training experience, participants should respect schedule, i.e., show up on time, get back to classroom after breaks or prayer times. If we do not respect time, we may lose the whole thing. Therefore, TFA team, in cooperation with trainers, focus on controlling scheduled times among all participants.

Best Investment:

For us, you are the core investment. Costs paid for training programs are an investment in knowledge, time, effort and desire to learn. We at TFA are keen on realizing your successful training objectives.

Respecting Opinions:

Whatever our disagreements, we respect others’ opinions, and understand their views. Different opinions do not mean enmity​. When you talk to others, select good words, avoid unnecessary polemics, or topics irrelevant to the program.

Courage to Ask:

Sometimes we face some difficulty in asking questions and just wait for answers instead. However, we have to break that barrier and ask any questions about anything, just go ask the question!

Avoid Distractions:

In a world full of distractions that may divert your attention from your training journey, such as media, networks, work, family and friends, you may end up losing your focus. Such distractions may affect your training outcome! We recommend explaining this to those around you to stay on the track. However, you can communicate with them later when appropriate.

Transfer of Knowledge:

At the end of the day, talk to your relatives, friends or family members about what you have learned if possible. We sometimes learn when we repeat what we have heard. Thus, you will find it easier to recover valuable information.

Evaluation of Experience:

We in TFA see evaluation as a gift from you. It is part of our quest to promote the training experience and address shortcomings. We highly encourage you to evaluate and share your experience. Share with us the pros and cons for our endless development journey. By the end of the program, we will send you an e-mail to evaluate the program. Help us further improve the training experience.

Choosing the Right Place:

When attending an online training program, try to be in a quiet place away from noise and crowd.

Technical Readiness:

Ensure that you are technically equipped by securing audio and video equipment, e.g., microphone, speakers and camera. You should be also familiar with the online training platform by reading manuals.

Active Engagement:

Try to engage in training activities, discussions with trainer to achieve the best outcome.

Webinars Etiquette:

Abide by the online learning etiquette like muting the mi​crophone when not speaking; raising your hand to engage during sessions.

We value your feedback

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