The Financial Academy Recognizes 31 Innovators as “Fintech Bootcamp 2024” Comes to a Close
Tuesday 03 September 2024 / 30 Safar 1446

The Financial Academy (FA) has celebrated the graduation of 31 Saudi innovators, including young men and women, during the closing ceremony of the “Fintech Bootcamp 2024” in Riyadh. The camp was organized in cooperation with FintechSaudi and the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority (monsha’at). It’s designed to qualify national professional cadres in the fintech industry, which is aligned with the Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP), one of Vision 2030 targets.

Mr. Mana bin Mohammed AlKhamsan, CEO of the Financial Academy, commented that the six-week intensive bootcamp, throughout 150 hours of education, created an optimally motivating environment for preparing and developing the next generation of the Kingdom’s fintech pioneers. He explained that it presented the Saudi ambitious young people with the opportunity to explore the realms of data analysis, the fintech emerging technologies and the artificial intelligence (AI). The program, he noted, empowered the participants to develop projects and prototypes.

“The Fintech Bootcamp is one of the key initiatives spearheaded by the FA in order to support finance and technology sectors and contribute to the advancement of the national economy. So, the Academy, through such activities, seeks to develop national talents in the field of financial technology by providing an ecosystem that is favorable for building innovations under supervision of a selection of professional fintech trainers, mentors and experts,” AlKhamsan said.

He asserted that the FA will continue to commit to developing the capabilities of finance human capital by devoting its physical and human resources to this end, and launching effective initiatives that support the achievement of the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

“As we pursue our goal of making the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a leading fintech hub, we strive to nurture and develop the national young talents with a view to enhancing the digital economy and fostering the cultures of innovation and entrepreneurship,” he concluded.

The Financial Academy is an independent legal and administrative entity that is organizationally located under the Chairman of the Board of the Capital Market Authority. The Academy seeks to qualify the financial sector’s human resources by advancing the knowledge, capabilities, skills and culture of its staff, including senior managers and board members. The FA also develops and promotes best professional financial practices, targeting all segments of the financial sector such as banking, finance, insurance and capital market.

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