Launching English Version of Two Professional Certificates
Wednesday 02 February 2022 / 01 Rajab 1443

​​Based on the Financial Academy's role in developing the capabilities of employees working in the financial sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Financial Academy is pleased to announce the launch of the English versions of the Following Certificates:

Professional Exam for Compliance Officer in the Insurance Sector
Compliance for Financing Companies Sector Professional Exam
Which aims to build the capacity of employees in the financial sector, provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills, and inform them of examples and practical practices in the compliance field. The Financial Academy built the learning materials in cooperation with the Saudi Central Bank and experts in the financial sector.

For more information or to register in Professional Exam for Compliance Officer in the Insurance Sector please visit the exam page through:

For more information or to register in Compliance for Financing Companies Sector Professional Exam please visit the exam page through:

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