The Academy CEO Honors Winners of “CFKC Ambassador” Program organized in Partnership with Saudi Banks
Wednesday 07 June 2023 / 18 Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 1444


The first edition of "CFKC Ambassador", a financial awareness initiative launched by the Communication and Financial Knowledge Center (CFKC), also known as Mutamam, has wrapped up with a big ceremony at Riyadh. The program was organized in partnership with the Financial Academy (FA) and the Saudi Banks Media and Awareness Committee under sponsorship of Mr. Hassan Abdulrahman Al Sheikh, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance for Communication and Media, the General Supervisor of the CFKC, who was represented at the event by Mr. Hisham Al-Johar, the Planning and Governance General Manager at the Ministry of Finance. Also gracing the ceremony were the Financial Academy CEO Mr. Mana' Al Khamsan, and Secretary General of the Saudi Banks Media and Banking Awareness Committee, Mrs. Rabia Al-Shumaisi.

The program, held from Shawwal 11 through Dhul-Qa'dah 12 (May 1 to June 1) is aimed to promote the financial awareness culture among school students, especially in respect of saving, investment, business entrepreneurship and finance volunteering, and to engage them in communicating financial knowledge.

Al-Johar, during a speech he delivered on behalf of Al-Sheikh, underscored that boosting awareness of the financial culture is critical.

"It is our duty to implement joint programs that would enrich knowledge, ramp up awareness and instill positive financial practices among society members," said Al-Johar, calling for teaching the fundamental principles to the new generation and encouraging them to practise these basics in all their life affairs, given their big potential role in spreading them through different circles of society. He also indicated that there was an attitude to expand the scope of the "CFKC Ambassador" initiative and similar efforts in cooperation with other partners concerned with promoting financial culture. 

On his Part, Al Khamsan described the collective participation in the closing ceremony as "an embodiment of the success of the CFKC Ambassador program".

"It is an outcome of collective endeavors to build, support and empower a new generation of students who boast essential skills of financial culture, potentials of business entrepreneurship, basics of saving, rules of investment and culture of finance volunteering, thus qualifying them to contribute to the advancement of nation and building a robust and thriving economy," said the CEO the FA.

He added that the Academy strives to support and promote such initiatives that would help to further develop and improve the financial sector in the Kingdom.

Commenting on the program, Al-Shumaisi lauded the Communication and Financial Knowledge Center's endeavors and contributions aiming to have positive impact on society, including the first edition of "CFKC Ambassador" Program. She pointed out that such initiatives directly serves to achieve the Kingdom's Vision 2023, being part of the Human Capability Development Program which seeks to refine capabilities of all citizens, prepare them for future and enable them to take advantage of opportunities generated by the constantly evolving and fast-growing needs. 

"This can be realized through providing Saudi nationals with necessary skills and knowledge that enable them to contribute to the ongoing economic and social development locally and to compete at the labor market globally," she added.

The program, which was carried out at a number of Riyadh private schools, included several awareness-raising and introductory lectures and workshops as well as innovative and creative activities that focused on boosting some of the basic financial skills of students.

During the closing ceremony, the "CFKC Ambassadors" from the winning schools were honored. The winning schools were named as follows: Al-Trbiyh Al-Namouthajiyah Schools of Qairawan district (for the secondary education level) and Riyadh Najed Schools (for intermediate level).

It is noteworthy that the "CFKC Ambassador" program comes as a continuation of a series of initiatives and activities which the CFKC used to plan and implement as part of its efforts aimed at enriching and promoting the financial knowledge and raising awareness of issues related to the economic and financial fields.

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