Statistics Knowledge

Jadarat Description

Translates the knowledge and skills of statistics and statistical analysis methodology on the job, and applies the right statistical and data collection, verification and analysis techniques, to perform thorough analysis and identify the potential impacts under various scenarios, in support of decision-making.

Jadarat Type

Technical Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


Applies subject matter expertise to guide the senior management team regarding the impact of statistical analysis techniques on the business. Provides own expertise to define and drive a clear strategic direction for the organization, and ensures that quality standards are applied to all the used statistical methods.

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Level 4


Uses full knowledge to implement the quality measures and standards in all the statistical analysis methodologies and techniques. Provides expertise across the departments to identify the gaps, develop and improve the various data verification and analysis tools and techniques.

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Level 3


Deeply understands the statistical concepts and techniques, data collection, and verification process. Verifies the collected data using thorough analysis techniques and applies in the data analysis tasks. Reports and presents the practical implications of data analysis findings to support the decision-making process.

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Level 2


Possesses specialised knowledge of the statistical techniques and their underlying assumptions and limitations, and applies this knowledge within the context of own job and the team to identify and assess the validity of data sources to be used in statistical analysis. Stays updated on the statistical developments that are relevant to the business.

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Level 1


Demonstrates basic understanding of the statistical analysis concepts and methodologies. Shows basic awareness of the data collection techniques and data verification methods, and identifies the sources of data that are directly related to the business.

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