Program Brief

This training program aims to prepare participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to pass the exam for Securities (CME-3A). This exam is mandatory by the Capital Market Authority that is provided in cooperation with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), for all Persons intended to be registered to perform local or international stock brokerage work in all their job categories with the Capital Market Institution. This training program focuses on topics related to the work of brokers such as stocks and debt instruments, accounting analysis and investment management. In addition to enabling participants to apply the correct method for analyzing companies and stocks, as well as to learn about the necessary procedures for trading, clearing and settlement operations.

Program Topic
  • Sales and Marketing
Job Families
Program Goals

At the end of the training program, the participant should be able to:

  • First goal
  • Second Goal
  • Third Goal
  • Fourth Goal
  • Fifth Goal
  • Sixth Goal
Program Agenda
Module 1: The Financial Services Sector
  • 1 1. Introduction

    • 2 2. Professional and Retail Business

      • 3 3. Participants- Retail Sector

        • 4 4. Participants- Wholesale Sector

          Module 2: Asset Classes
          • 1 1. Equities

            • 2 2. Debt Instruments

              • 3 3. Government Debt

                • 4 4. Corporate Debt

                  • 5 5. Cash Assets

                    • 6 6. Eurobonds

                      • 7 7. Other Securities

                        • 8 8. Foreign Exchange (FX)

                          • 9 9. Collective Investment Schemes (CISS)

                            • 10 10. Structured Products

                              Module 3: Capital Market
                              • 1 1. The Primary and secondary markets

                                Module 4: Primary Markets
                                • 1 1. Types of Offers

                                  • 2 2. Participants in an Equity Offering Securities

                                    • 3 3. Stock Exchanges

                                      • 4 4. Bond Offerings

                                        Module 5: Secondary Markets
                                        • 1 1. Trading Venues

                                          • 2 2. Methods of Trading and Participants

                                            • 3 3. Stock Exchanges

                                              • 4 4. Indices

                                                • 5 5. Government Bonds

                                                  • 6 6. Corporate Bond Markets

                                                    • 7 7. Dealing Methods

                                                      Module 6: Corporate Actions
                                                      • 1 1. Income Events

                                                        • 2 2. Capital Events

                                                          • 3 3. Capital Raising Events

                                                            • 4 4. Share Capital and Changes to Share Ownership

                                                              Module 7: Clearing and Settlement
                                                              • 1 1. Introduction to Settlement Systems

                                                                • 2 2. Settlement Models

                                                                  • 3 3. Custody

                                                                    • 4 4. Registered Title

                                                                      • 5 5. Designated and Pooled Nominees

                                                                        • 6 6. Cum- and Ex-Dividend

                                                                          • 7 7. Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS)

                                                                            • 8 8. Distributed Ledger Technology

                                                                              • 9 9. Stock Borrowing and Lending

                                                                                Module 8: Accounting Analysis
                                                                                • 1 1. Basic Principles

                                                                                  • 2 2. The Statement of Financial Position

                                                                                    • 3 3. The Income Statement

                                                                                      • 4 4. The Statement of Cash Flows

                                                                                        • 5 5. Additional Information

                                                                                          • 6 6. Financial Statement Analysis

                                                                                            Module 9: Investment Management
                                                                                            • 1 1. Risk and Reward

                                                                                              • 2 2. Institutional Investment Advice

                                                                                                • 3 3. Approaches to Investment

                                                                                                  Program Requirements
                                                                                                  • 1. Professional Exam for International Introduction to Securities and Investment- (CME-1A)

                                                                                                  1. Professional Exam for International Introduction to Securities and Investment- (CME-1A)

                                                                                                  • 2. Professional Exam for Saudi Capital Market Rules and Regulations- (General Chapter)- (CME-1B)

                                                                                                  2. Professional Exam for Saudi Capital Market Rules and Regulations- (General Chapter)- (CME-1B)

                                                                                                  Program Method
                                                                                                  • Lecture
                                                                                                  • Case Studies
                                                                                                  • Practical Implementation
                                                                                                  • Exercises and assignments
                                                                                                  Evaluation Method
                                                                                                  • Pre Exam
                                                                                                  • Post Exam
                                                                                                  • Simulation Test for professional exam
                                                                                                  Training Type
                                                                                                  • In Class Training
                                                                                                  • Online Training

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                                                                                                  Realted Program

                                                                                                  Insurance Underwriting (WUA)- Cert. CII

                                                                                                  This program aims to provide an understanding of the essential factors and information related to the underwriting process in insurance. It includes knowledge of support services, underwriting considerations, and pricing principles and practices. Additionally, the program covers underwriting procedures and insurance documents, including renewals, cancellations, as well as personal and commercial insurance. Moreover, it focuses on understanding pricing factors and exposure management in the context of insurance underwriting to ensure efficient decision-making in this field. The program includes: • Registration fees and membership in the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) • A preparatory program • Professional examination fees


                                                                                                  Microsoft Excel- Intermediate Level

                                                                                                  With the huge amount of data that must be handled and analyzed every day, it is imperative that you learn how to use a flexible tool to handle equations and statistics professionally, and Microsoft Excel is the most popular tool for doing so. Training will provide participants with the knowledge and skills they need to comprehend organizational intelligence through the ability to deal with functions, analyzing vast amounts of data, extracting accurate, actionable information, and presenting that to decision makers.


                                                                                                  Reading and Analyzing Financial Statements and Reports

                                                                                                  Since the financial statements provide us with historical information and aggregate figures, the decision maker needs tools that enable him to enter into the details of this information and the indicators that show the relationship between them. This program provides the participants with basic knowledge required to analyze the financial statements and how to use the extracted indicators in evaluating the firms performance, making decisions, and drawing up future plans and policies .


                                                                                                  Professional Certificate for Certified Compliance Officer (CCO)

                                                                                                  This training program aims to prepare the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Certified Compliance Officer professional exam (CCO). Participants in this training program will learn how to effectively perform the duties of a compliance officer and methods for managing non-compliance risks, as well as implement risk-based anti-money laundering programs and develop relevant internal control mechanisms.


                                                                                                  Insurance Claims Practices

                                                                                                  This training program provides participants with knowledge and skills related to the insurance claims department and its functions, claims philosophy, various types of reserves, as well as a review of methods for combating fraud in insurance claims, unwarranted overpayments of claims amounts, estimating the claims provision, as well as describing the role of reinsurance in managing catastrophic claims.


                                                                                                  Protection and Savings Insurance Applications

                                                                                                  The spread of the Covid-19 virus and the need for financial stability in light of the various financial crises have affected the increase in the demand for purchasing protection and saving insurance products, which made it necessary for insurance companies to market insurance products that meet the special needs of individuals and companies. Through this program, the participant will learn about protection and savings products with an investment component, the individual and group products so that he can identify the most suitable clients for this type of product and succeed in marketing the most suitable products for those clients. Moreover, he will gain the necessary knowledge for enhancing his understanding of protection and savings insurance underwriting.


                                                                                                  Wealth Management and Financial Advice

                                                                                                  Wealth management is an art based on the quality of financial advice provided by qualified advisors who can develop and implement the most appropriate strategy for each client based on their needs, future expectations, and risk tolerance. This training program is designed to develop participants' skills in financial planning and setting investment objectives for managing clients' assets, in addition to financial consulting skills to analyze investments and investment products available in the market and provide the most appropriate solutions and products to meet clients' needs, their future expectations, and attain their financial goals.


                                                                                                  Emerging Leader Program (ELP)

                                                                                                  Unlock your potential to lead and inspire with The Financial Academy's Emerging Leader Program (ELP), tailored for ambitious professionals ready to leave a lasting impact. ELP encapsulates the core of transformative leadership by blending interactive sessions with actionable insights, aiming to develop a growth mindset, master strategic communication, and exert powerful influence. This journey of self-discovery encompasses engaging lectures, in-depth case studies, and personalized coaching, all designed to arm you with vital leadership skills for today's ever-evolving financial sector. ELP not only boosts your confidence to lead but also encourages you to inspire others. The program developed in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership, the program is a lighthouse for those determined to redefine norms, foster innovation, and steer teams toward unparalleled success. Embrace the future as a visionary leader who navigates with precision, energizes with actions, and turns obstacles into opportunities. Embark on your leadership journey—enroll in the Emerging Leader Program today.


                                                                                                  Anti-Fraud in Financial Institutions

                                                                                                  To combat Fraud threats, laws and regulations have been enacted that make financial services responsible for preventing those threats. This program is designed to provide candidates with a proper understanding of fraud, its types, its indicators, methods of Fraud detection, investigation and prevention, different tools available to counter fraud in financial Sectors.


                                                                                                  Problem Solving and Decision Making

                                                                                                  Successful organizations rely on Critical Thinking and creative thought leaders who can generate inventive problem solving answers to the organizations issues. This training program provides participants with the knowledge and skills required to analyze problems and implement creative ideas in a practical way for the work environment, in addition to familiarity with tools and techniques that help analyze solutions, choose the most appropriate, and schedule lists to choose the best solutions.


                                                                                                  Outstanding Sales and Negotiation Skills- B2B

                                                                                                  It is a well-known fact that the Great Depression of 1929 was one of the most serious economic crises of the 20th century. With time, this has led to the emergence of new concepts for B2B competition, as well as the separation of B2B sales from other sales activities. Therefore, the development of sales personnel for the corporate sector has become a must for any organization. This training program focuses on developing the sales experience and improving the experience of corporate sales customers, studying and analyzing the marketing mix and recognizing its relationship to increasing market shares and its impact on the total sales volume, in addition to providing participants with effective negotiation skills to deal with B2B sales and achieve the desired corporate goals.


                                                                                                  Securities Custodian

                                                                                                  The role of the custodian on securities is considered a major and pivotal role in the financial markets, as It preserves the assets and securities of investors to protect them from risks, and the volume of investments that the custodian undertakes to protect may reach billions of riyals. In addition to dealing with the Depository Center regarding transfer of ownership, settlement and clearing of these assets. This training program focuses on the role of the custodian and its importance in the financial market, in addition to understanding the mechanism of the custodian’s work as an intermediary between the client and the Securities Depository Center to complete the operations of trading, settlement, clearing, lending, distribution and all other related operations in the custody of securities.


                                                                                                  Professional Certificate in Introduction to Sustainable Bonds

                                                                                                  This introductory course gives you a deep understanding of the mechanics of green, social, sustainability and sustainability linked bonds, taking you from the big picture policy context to introducing the underlying drivers of market development, main product features and regulation. We discuss the Green and Social Bond Principles and Sustainability Bond Guidelines, and then the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles. We then explain how they work in practice, including evaluation and selection of eligible projects for funding, the role of external reviewers and guidance on reporting.


                                                                                                  Emotional Intelligence for Professionals

                                                                                                  People with high intelligence and mental abilities may not necessarily be successful in life. It is essential to possess emotional intelligence, or the ability to control feelings and emotions, in order to be successful and achieve personal development. The objective of this program is to provide participants with emotional intelligence skills that will enable them to understand their feelings, regulate them, deal with them positively, master communication, possess emotional competence, and get rid of negative emotions.

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