Exam Overview

A mandatory exam by Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) The objective of this exam is to ensure that all targeted employees have the minimum level of knowledge and skills in the banking industry, including the regulations and laws of this sector that enables them to perform their duties toward the consumer and beneficiary professionally and responsibly.

Target Audience

Frontline employees of banks operating in the Saudi market (including but not limited to branch employees and managers, sales staff, call center staff, including employees who contracted through a third party) as well as Bank’s Customer Care staff.

Exam Profiles
Retail Banking Foundations Professional Certificate Forth Edition
Exam Language


Degree of Success

75 Degree

Exam Duration

120 Minutes

Exam Owner


Eductional Tutorial
Retail Banking Foundations Professional Exam - Forth Edition - English
Exam Language


Degree of Success

75 Degree

Exam Duration

120 Minutes

Exam Owner


Eductional Tutorial
Competencies and its Weights

Chapter 1: The Structure of The Retail Banking Sector in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: 8%

Chapter 2: Retail Banking Products and Services in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: 25%

Chapter 3: Principles of Responsible Financing: 6%

Chapter 4: Principles of Islamic Sharia and its Impact on Retail Banking Services: 11%

Chapter 5: Principles of Effective Customer Service in The Retail Banking Sector: 7%

Chapter 6: Principles of Protecting Bank Customers: 11%

Chapter 7: Business Conduct Rules: 4%

Chapter 8: Compliance Principles and its Impact on The Retail Banking Sector: 7%

Chapter 9: Defining and Describing the Concept of Fraud and Its Impact on Retail Banking Services: 8%

Chapter 10: Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: 13%

Exam Requirements

Not Available

Prerequisite Programs

Not Available

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