Exam Overview

The Professional Certification Exam in Compliance for Financing Companies Sector - Second Edition is considered one of the measurement tools that contribute to verifying that employees in the financing companies sector have a minimum level of compliance knowledge, as the exam includes a number of skills, practices and realistic examples related to the concept of commitment and verification of it.

Target Audience

The exam is mandatory for compliance managers and applicants to this position, and is optional for all employees working in compliance departments.

Job Families
Not Available
Exam Profiles
Professional Certificate for Compliance in Financing companies sector - Second Edition
Exam Language


Degree of Success

35 Degree

Exam Duration

60 Minutes

Exam Owner


Eductional Tutorial
Competencies and its Weights

Chapter 1: The Nature of The Financing Companies Sector: 10%

Chapter 2: Compliance in Financing Companies and the Role of Compliance Officers: 25%

Chapter 3: Combating Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Fraud in Financing Companies: 15%

Chapter 4: Real Estate Financing Rules and Procedures: 20%

Chapter 5: Financial Leasing Activities, Small and Medium Enterprises Financing, and Microfinance Activity Rules: 15%

Chapter 6: Regulations for Financing Credit and Monthly Debit Cards, Rules for Consumer Microfinance, Rules For Assigning Tasks, and Rules for Practicing Crowdfunding Activities With Debt: 15%

Exam Requirements

Not Available

Additional Requisites

Examinee must be either a Saudi citizen, a citizen of a GCC member state or treated as a citizen based on the regulations of the labor law.

Prerequisite Programs

Not Available

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