Strategic Thinking

Jadarat Description

Seeing things as a whole, identifying long term priorities, and translating elements together into logical plans to meet the organization’s objectives. Conceptualizing and formulating business objectives to create a robust plan through analysing trends, resources and the potentials of the organization. Solving complex problems involving a combination of convergent and rational approaches to add the greatest value.

Jadarat Type

Behavioral Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


• Uses the strategic thinking skill to contribute in setting the business objectives and articulating the organization’s vision. • Adopts new working approaches that readily accommodate and implement the organization’s strategy. • Models high level of effectiveness in anticipating complexity and produce mitigation and prevention plans. • Advise stakeholders on best way to employ innovation and differentiated thought to achieve long-term goals and realize the organization’s vision. • Builds a culture of strategic thinking and encourages others to practice it.

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Level 4


• Demonstrates a futuristic approach and strategic vision in handling business activities and work related issues. • Anticipates emerging short-term trends that may affect the organizational objectives. • Contributes in formulating the organization’s strategy and convert it into work plans. • Develops activities that help in developing strategic thinking among others. • Guides others to provide value and employ alternative ways of achieving goals. • Uses strategic direction to transform strategic goals it into plans and objectives.

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Level 3


• Demonstrates the ability to develop short-term goals that support long-term goals. • Demonstrates ability to set improvement plans based on the organization’s strategy. • Proactively seeks to solve problems taking into account organizational goals. • Provides solutions and ideas with consideration of the large context. • Produces plans that can effectively and positively impact others in the department.

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Level 2


• Recognizes the importance of determining the key elements for achieving strategic goals. • Aligns own actions and priority with the Organization’s objectives. • Recognizes current trends and issues to contribute in solving future problems. • Identifies the connections of critical causes for multiple issues.

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 1


• Understands vision, mission and value of the organization. • Identifies the organizational objectives and its alignment to own work. • Shows awareness of setting long-term goals and the purpose of them. • Shows ability to link different elements and knowledge of the organization to meet aimed goals.

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