Learning and Development

Jadarat Description

Maintains current knowledge-base of learning and development theories and applies own understanding of the existing and emerging development trends. Ability to develop and assess talent development programs to support capabilities growth in the organisation. Demonstrates understanding of performance management cycle and able to set employee objectives.

Jadarat Type

Technical Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


Applies subject matter expertise and thorough understanding in designing and evaluating learning and talent management programs. Shares expertise across the departments and teams in regards to performance management and its applications.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 4


Leads and provides expertise in learning and talent management programs. Advises and supports in assessing and evaluating effectiveness of developmental approaches. Ensures performance management objectives are aligned with organisation’s objectives.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 3


Understands deeply the learning and talent management theories and activities. Shares the specialised knowledge and experience of analysing and assessing learning outcomes within job context. Uses deep knowledge to implement performance management activities.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 2


Possesses specialised knowledge and full understanding of learning and development theories and practices, and applies within the context of own job and team. Analyses and assesses learning and talent management activities and tools. Applies specialised knowledge and understanding of performance management and assessment.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 1


Demonstrates basic knowledge of learning theories. Has basic understanding of talent development practices. Assists the team in the execution of the performance management cycle and objectives setting.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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