
Jadarat Description

Improving self-knowledge, developing self-character and skills, and showing growth and development to maintain success in relation to personal interests and to professional career development. Learning from previous failures and adopting new ideas to handle future situations. Assessing own skills and qualities and determine own learning style.

Jadarat Type

Behavioral Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


• Consistently inspires others to develop their self-responsibility and grow self-knowledge. • Establishes learning and development work plan with others through different methods that supports the organization’s strategic plan. • Promotes the benefits of attaining professional qualifications and training to improve the organizational productivity. • Models an environment that promotes organizational learning and aligns with the strategy. • Establishes a mindset of self-development and encourages others to implement it.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 4


• Provides others with new methods to increase their knowledge and skills. • Proactively guides colleagues to assess and enhance their progress and advancement to improve knowledge and skills. • Consistently reviews direct reports on appraisals to identify areas requiring future development. • Models a character of self-mastery to inspire others. • Reflects challenges as advantage of learning and growth and urges others to do the same.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 3


• Compares own abilities against performance to determine areas for development. • Applies gained knowledge, abilities and skills to perform efficiently at workplace. • Actively engages in collaborative learning to discuss learning with others and improve self-knowledge. • Seeks ways to improve efficiency and productivity that reflects self-led efforts. • Analyzes the capability of others and leverages their skills.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 2


• Thrives to be up-to-date within professions to keep up with new trends. • Identifies cause and effect of failure tasks to improve accordingly. • Seeks to produce a development plan on improvement areas of profession. • Shares knowledge with others to boost productivity. • Recognizes skill gaps and seizes learning opportunity to enhance further.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 1


• Shows willingness to develop own skills and ability and pursues available opportunities. • Identifies current ability and needs to improve knowledge and skills. • Organizes and manages own learning and development plan by setting continues learning goals. • Shows openness to learn or change in order to adapt new skills that meet role’s needs. • Undergoes continuous evolvement of abilities and character through gaining knowledge and skills.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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