Creativity And Innovativeness

Jadarat Description

Developing innovative approaches and solutions to achieve organizational goals by questioning the current status and discovering 'out of the box' options. Generating ideas of different methods leading to development. Exploring new opportunities by researching and applying multiple techniques to add value for all stakeholders.

Jadarat Type

Behavioral Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


• Generates and connects ideas of unrelated fields or applications to produce creative strategic plans. • Utilizes expertise to explore new ideas or innovative plans. • Establishes a process to encourage individual to generate new ideas and approaches. • Assesses and evaluates current work challenges to find strategic solutions. • Creates new applications or ideas to reveal new possibilities and reshape goals through high level of innovativeness.

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Level 4


• Generates ideas to improve the organization’s performance. • Leads efforts and initiatives to promote creativity and innovation in work and across the organization. • Supports others to generate creative and innovative ideas to convert them into plans. • Encourages idea generation in challenges existing norms

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Level 3


• Generates creative ideas and utilizes current technology or other sources to enhance performance • Motivates and inspires others to generate new ideas. • Facilitates idea generation by creating networking opportunities. • Conducts an analysis to develop and implement new ideas. • Utilizes available approaches to produce innovative methods.

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Level 2


• Generates ideas with potential to provide effective alternative methods of work. • Recognizes current procedures, processes and proposes alternative ones as appropriate. • Contributes with team members to develop different approaches by identifying and building on new ideas. • Identifies problems, bottlenecks and suggests creative solutions. • Generates effective solutions that addresses others concerns.

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Level 1


• Shows initiative to generate ideas that help in handling tasks within own area of responsibility. • Attempts new methods, strategies and tactics to perform required tasks. • Recognizes innovative approaches to carry out procedures and handle tasks. • Identifies various tools and methods to enrich overall output.

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