Leading Change

Jadarat Description

Assessing and determining the need for initiating change to meet the business goals. Developing a communication process to implement the change strategy via various means. Understanding others' concerns and encourage discussions to build a supportive environment. Gaining acceptance and commitment from the team by uncovering new possibilities and highlighting expected benefits.

Jadarat Type

Behavioral Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


• Shapes change in an attractive manner to gain support. • Advises on change processes and implementation approaches. • Evaluates the needs of change across the organization. • Builds an environment of accepting change by promoting the benefits and importance of change. • Utilizes and unifies resources from different backgrounds to support accelerating the change.

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Level 4


• Supports others to adapt change by utilizing different methods. • Ensures change is in line with the vision and objectives of organization. • Facilitates and lead activities that support change. • Engages others in change implementation phases based on their personal characteristics. • Applies expertise to deal with difficulties related to changes.

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Level 3


• Participates in change initiatives and facilitate acceptance through different techniques. • Anticipates the resistant elements to change and suggest appropriate solutions. • Employs the appropriate information and channels to present the change. • Demonstrates ability to support change by explaining benefits of change to stakeholders. • Seeks opportunities to participate in activates that support change.

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Level 2


• Understands the importance of change as a critical element of continuous improvement. • Identifies the change and its implications. • Encourages others to adapt changes and focus on the bright side of outcome. • Recognizes the key factors and elements that helps to facilitate change.

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 1


• Shows openness and willingness to change. • Shows ability to set an active plan to adapt changes in the work place. • Identifies resistance factors and causes to change. • Identifies the outcomes of change.

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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