
Jadarat Description

Ability to source, screen, interview and select the right talent for the organisation using suitable selection strategies, tools and techniques. Promotes employer branding and champions the value of the organisation. Performs onboarding processes and induction programs.

Jadarat Type

Technical Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


Applies subject matter expertise of recruitment practices and ensure their alignment with organisation’s strategy and values. Ability to formulate recruitment and employer branding strategies. Oversees the effectiveness of onboarding and induction programs.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 4


Leads recruitment activities by using suitable selection strategy, tools and techniques. Develops employer branding initiatives to promote organisation’s values. Assesses and develops on boarding programs.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 3


Assesses and evaluates talents through conducting the full cycle of recruitment. Recommends employer branding initiatives to enhance the overall image of the organisation. Implements and recommends developments on onboarding and induction programs.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 2


Demonstrates specialised understanding of all recruitment steps, tools and techniques. Understands the process of enhancing employer branding and promoting organisational values. Ability to participate in onboarding and induction programs.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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Level 1


Demonstrates basic understanding of hiring the right talents importance to the organisation. Has a basic knowledge of employer branding activities and is able to initiate induction programs within the context of own job.

Training Programs Related to Jadarat Level

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Exams Related to Jadarat Level

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