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“Combating Commercial Concealment” course provides an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills of those working in the banking sector in the field of commercial concealment so that they can efficiently handle the challenges of this field and address the risks associated with it. This training program focuses on several key topics, including the detection of commercial concealment and how to precisely differentiate between criminal acts and this violation, as well as determining the material aspect and using appropriate inspection means to detect commercial concealment violations. Moreover, the program highlights how good faith affects the characterization of acts and provides insights into the social, economic and security risks of these acts. Throughout the “Combating Commercial Concealment” Program, participants will gain knowledge and skills necessary to take effective actions in combating commercial concealment, including the understanding the rules of detection and legal procedures for reporting violations.
“Combating Commercial Concealment” course provides an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills of those working in the banking sector in the field of commercial concealment so that they can efficiently handle the challenges of this field and address the risks associated with it. This training program focuses on several key topics, including the detection of commercial concealment and how to precisely differentiate between criminal acts and this violation, as well as determining the material aspect and using appropriate inspection means to detect commercial concealment violations. Moreover, the program highlights how good faith affects the characterization of acts and provides insights into the social, economic and security risks of these acts. Throughout the “Combating Commercial Concealment” Program, participants will gain knowledge and skills necessary to take effective actions in combating commercial concealment, including the understanding the rules of detection and legal procedures for reporting violations.
Law and Regulatory Knowledge
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Case Studies +3
Case Studies
Practical Implementation
Dialogue Teams
Post Exam
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In Class Training-Online Training
1. Commercial concealment definition and parties involved in it.
2. Historical development of anti-commercial concealment laws in the Kingdom.
3. Legal resources governing commercial concealment acts.
4. The relationship between Foreign Investment Law and Anti-Concealment Law.
5. The integration of the work of governmental bodies and authorities in combating commercial concealment.
6. The relationship between commercial concealment and the crime of money laundering
In Class Training-Online Training
1. Commercial Concealment Violations
2. Commercial Concealment Violations
3. Distinguishing between acts of commercial concealment.
In Class Training-Online Training
1. Detection of commercial concealment crimes and violations.
2. Investigation of commercial concealment crimes and violations.
3. Prosecution of those accused of committing commercial concealment crimes and violations.
In Class Training-Online Training
1. The responsibility of a legal person for commercial concealment crimes and violations.
2. Exemption of sanction.
3. The analysis and reporting of suspicions of commercial concealment violations.
4. Practical and judicial case studies of commercial concealment
5. Destiny of contracts and arrangements aimed at committing commercial concealment.
1. Precisely differentiate between commercial concealment acts considered violations and the ones considered as crimes.
2. Identify forms of the material aspect in commercial concealment violations and ways to prove these forms.
3. Recognize how good faith affects in criminalization and violation.
4. Identify the social, economic and security risks and impacts of commercial concealment.
5. Understand controls and procedures for detection and reporting of commercial concealment acts.
6. Fully understand the due legal procedures for reporting commercial concealment crimes and violations.
7. Study the indicators and patterns of commercial concealment and methods of reporting them.