Product Design and Development

Jadarat Description

Develops new products or improve existing ones to meet anticipated or known customer and market needs. This includes research, conceptualisation, design, development, gatekeeping, piloting, market testing and evaluating product suitability against defined requirements.

Jadarat Type

Technical Competency

jadarat Code


Level 5


Applies subject matter expertise to provide strategic direction and guidance to the organization regarding new product design and development, to maintain the organization's competitiveness and market positioning. Provides expertise in the assessment of the suitability of product-to-market options.

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Level 4


Uses full knowledge base to manage new product design and development process. Provides expertise and knowledge to identify the anticipated changes and market dynamics, which may impact the product development and management strategies. Proposes suitable solutions to resolve complex product problems.

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Level 3


Interprets new product development requirements and plans to conduct new product design and development according to the identified business and regulatory requirements. Identifies related market trends and intelligence, and anticipates clients' requirements and financial needs through needs analysis and direct communication.

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Level 2


Possesses specialised knowledge of market research and client requirements' identification techniques and information sources. Shows awareness of the integrated product development methods, product suitability against the defined requirements, and conducts gap analysis to identify new needs.

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Level 1


Demonstrates basic understanding of the market research methodologies and requirements analysis. Has basic knowledge of the various tools and techniques used to design and develop new products, and is able to conduct basic research of the market trends and needs for new products.

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