Exam Overview

The Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing is a CMA mandatory exam. The objective of this exam is to ensure that all registered persons or those intending to register with CMA to perform compliance and anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing functions for authorized persons of all job categories have an advanced level of knowledge and skills in this function.

Target Audience

All registered persons or those intending to register with CMA to perform compliance and anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing functions for authorized persons.

Competencies and its Weights

Chapter 1: Fundamental of Compliance: 8%

Chapter 2: Compliance Roles and Responsibilities: 8%

Chapter 3: Establishing and Monitoring Compliance: 9%

Chapter 4: Risk Management and Compliance: 11%

Chapter 5: Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing: 15%

Chapter 6: Authorized Persons Regulations: Authorization Process: 9%

Chapter 7: Authorized Persons Regulations: Conduct of Business: 10%

Chapter 8: Authorized Persons Regulations: System and Controls: 8%

Chapter 9: Market Conduct Regulations: 8%

Chapter 10: Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Rules: 14%

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